Ge security simon xt wireless allinone alarm system. It may also be used to control lights and appliances within your home. Use the front panel buttons to armdisarm the system when you enter or exit your home and to determine which sensors are. Since simon alarm systems are typically installed as wireless systems, removing them takes about an hour or so. The system communicates with a central monitoring station and sends voice messages to an offsite phone. Simon xt user manual or simon xt quick guide alarm center. Simon security systems are designed to be easily removed from one location and reinstalled into another location. How to delete sensor on ge simon xt alarm share your repair. A wireless motion sensor can be added to an interlogix simon xt system in the same manner as virtually any other wireless sensor. Your use of the product manuals is at your own risk, and protection 1 has no duty to correct, update or supplement the product manuals. Simon xt wireless home security system simon xt is a fullfeatured home security platform thats installed in minutes yet delivers years of dependable protection for you and your family. We will give the book links recommended 80 649 3n xt ge simon xt wireless security system manual that can be downloaded and installed directly. We have 1 ge 600105495r simon xt wireless home security system manual available for free pdf download.
View online or download ge 600105495r simon xt wireless home security system user manual. The full simon product lineup, from the simon xt to the simon xti5i, provides a simpletoinstall, easytouse solution to enhance your safety and the security of those things that matter most. Simon xt talking touchpad the twoway talking touchpad is a wireless device that provides a convenient option to. To avoid causing an alarm, you must disarm the system with a wireless. You can use the touch screen to obtain the status of your home open doors, movement detected, etc. Introduction to your system your security system uses wireless technology to. A simon xt alarm is a security system that works as an intrusion alarm system and can offer fire warning and emergency notification, or any combination of the three. Simon xt product and logo are registered trademarks of ge security. Ge 600105495r simon xt wireless home security system. Power up your ge simon xt with these sensors and accessories. Manuals and user guides for ge 600105495r simon xt wireless home security system.
Ge choice alert wireless alarm system water leak sensor requires control center. The simon xt uses wireless technology to warn your family about intrusion, carbon monoxide. Simon xt control panel alarm systems protect america. The security system uses sensors that communicate alarms to the control panel using radio waves. View and download interlogix simon xt user manual from. The ge security simon xt is a very popular model of ge wireless home security system. It would have been nice, though, if the references to the quick start guide were correct. The simon xt security systems have been around for a while and still, makes for a complete and affordable home security system. Simon is able to support a complete family of wireless sensors and accessories. Ge security ge deluxe ge simon xt deluxe wireless alarm. Adding a wireless motion sensor on an interlogix simon xti or xti5 duration. User manual security system components the simon xt uses wireless technology to warn your family about intrusion, carbon monoxide, and fire. Getting to know the simon xt control panel protect america click here to start protecting your home with awardwinning home security today.
Fortunately, the vast majority of our customers dont experience problems with the backup battery on the simon system. Ge and the ge monogram are trademarks of the general electric. Interlogix simon xt user manual 600105495r11 and 600105495r11cn. Ge simon xt alarm systems kits can control up to 40 different zones or sensors. The simon xti uses wireless technology to warn your family about intrusion, carbon. Ge and the ge monogram are trademarks of the general electric company and are under. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a residential environment. Simon xt talking controls the security system primarily from within the house. It receives and responds to signals from wireless sensors and wireless touchpads throughout the. As understood, realization does not suggest that you have fabulous points. The simon xt uses wireless technology to warn your family about intrusion, carbon monoxide and fire. However, the system is greatly upgraded by simply adding a cellular communicator.
I really appreciated the 7 videos that gave very informative details on how to install and program the simon xt system. Simon xt user manual adt security alarm systems for. This security system can be used as a fire warning system, an intrusion alarm system. Its advanced wireless technology eliminates the hassle ge simon xt alarm. The simon xt is a wireless allinone alarm panel from interlogix. For smarter, safer protection, the intelligence of the simon xt will provide your family with the highest measure of security and convenience at an incredible value. Simon xt system simonxt 1 2 3 456 78 9 0 key fob doorwindow sensor pir motion sensor smoke detector remote handheld touchpad simon xt talking touch screen the selfcontained panel provides the main processing unit for all system functions. Ge security pn 466226601 rev a iss 03feb10 simon xt user manual global security systems 800 6757000. The alarm system has a builtin display touchpad and a status speaker that provides visual and voice messages for feedback, simon xt is well suited for houses, apartments, and. It is a reliable and costeffective wireless security that offers everything from burglary and fire protection to exciting features such as a builtin display touchpad that supports visual and voice messaging. Learn how to set up a motion with an interlogix simon xt. The twoway talking touch screen is a wireless device that provides a. Interlogix genx450xgenx450 saw wireless slimline door and window detector44.
Simon xt employs advanced wireless technology, so installation doesnt involve the mess and expense of running wires to detectors and sensors. Simon xti user manual adt security alarm systems for. You may use the product manuals only for noncommercial purposes, and you may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or publish any portion of the product manuals without the third party owners prior. Simon xti user manual see contact information on page 9. With a builtin display touchpad and a status speaker that provides visual and voice messages for feedback, simon xt is well suited for houses, apartments, and condominiums. This selfcontained system can include a microphone for emergency twoway communication with monitoring station personnel, and a backup power supply. Enter the programmers 4digit access code and press the ok button. Interlogix simon xt compatible products alarm grid. Ge simon xt alarm system manual ge simon xt alarm system the ge simon xt security system with 1st month free of interactive iphoneandroid controls is a fullfeatured home security system that installs in minutes, and delivers years of dependable, secure protection.
In no event will ge security be liable for damages, whether. Its unfortunate that the battery in your system did not last as long as it was supposed to. The twoway talking touch screen is a wireless device that provides a graphical user interface that allows you to. To avoid causing an alarm, you must disarm the system with a wireless touchpad. The sensor must communicate at a wireless frequency of 319. Ge securitys sole obligation or liability under this agreement is the repair or replacement of nonconforming software andor defective media according to the limited warranty above. Simon xti installation manual 3 device description simon xt talking touch screen 60924rfts, 609243xt2wtts and 60924rftsn the twoway talking touch screen is a wireless device that provides a graphical user interface that allows you to. At the end of the exit delay, the system beeps 2, 3, or 4 additional beeps.
There is an upgrade to the simon xt security called the simon xti yet the xt security system continues to be a preferred choice among home and home security authorized dealers. Acces pdf ge simon xt user manual ge simon xt user manual simon xt system basics 0. The product manuals or other materials provided here are those of third parties, not protection 1, and protection 1 makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the product manuals or the data contained therein. How to program read b with delay into ge simon xt duration. Security system alarm systems for home and business. It combines a control unit, radio receiver, keypad, display, backup battery, and sounder in a single housing. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. The ge simon 3 alarm system is another popular allinone design, similar to its cousin the simon xt and its competitor, the ademco lynx system. Ge 600105495r simon xt wireless home security system pdf user manuals.
Simon xt talking touch screen quick operation guide. Find the user manual you need for your home appliance products and more at manualsonline. Combining the main panel, wireless receiver, keypad, display, sounder, and communicator into a single housing makes these allinone alarm systems easy to install. It includes a touchbutton keypad for controlling the system. The simon is a wireless allinone type panel, similar to the ademco lynx system lynxren. Interlogix ge tx6010011 wireless heat smoke sensor detector simon xti xt interlogix new. Ge simon xt system manual and user guide protection 1. The system programming menu on a ge simon xt step 2. Its components include a control panel and devices such as door and window sensors and smoke detectors, as well as devices that respond to commands from the panel. Started beeping this morning and needed to have time and date set done. Read user manual, tried to do everything i could think of. Simon xti5 user manual 1 introduction the simon xti5 uses wireless technology to warn your family about intrusion, carbon monoxide and fire. The system has the capabilities of communicating with a central monitoring sta.
This is not the code you use to arm the alarm but a separate code for setting up the alarm. This is the quick operation guide for the simon xti system. Simon xt user manual iv fcc compliance this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class b digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the fcc rules. This item ge simon xt wireless alarm system with interactive wireless service via web and smart phone, iphone, ipad, blackberry or android. The simon xt is the smallest control panel of its kind.